I got my senstrokes and was very excited about it. Tried it out, but ran into some problems. Connection and callibration of the senstrokes works for me, but is very buggy, often error messages come up. Recalibration only works if i disconnect and restart the senstroke AND the app. That’S kind of annoying :-/
When setting up the drumkit, i often get an error about connecting to the sensor. but after some tries it works. :-/
The biggest Problem however is, that I can’t set up the drumkit in a way that would allow playing. I followed your setup guide (https://www.senstroke.com/senstroke-setup/) about the defining of the play areas, but still the left and right hand sticks play different sounds at random. sometimes the hi-hat area playes the snare sound, sometimes it changes after 5-10 strokes to another sound. It does not seem as if the play areas are configured correctly, although i followed your instructions.
can you give me some advice about that?
best regards!