iPhone XS Max/ Hi-Hat

I have updated the app to the latest version but the hi hat Still does not work. requires drumsticks left and right doesn’t give a option to open and close with a foot pedal.
can you help

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Could give us the precise steps you do to get this bug please ?
We are not able to reproduce it here.


I open the app turn one sensor on at a time the snare is fine the hi hat is fine kick drum is fine then when I load the fourth sensor the options are double kick drum or high hat but when I click high hat it requests are use the drumsticks right left right left to configure it.

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This seems to be exactly the same as my problem (see thread “First experiences”) ?

This is the same problem that @Momantai have.
We are gonna push a minor app update (this week), maybe that the bug we have fixed will fix this one too.

Do you have some updates for us?

We are late on the update, sorry. No news from the moment.

How’s the update coming along?

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We are waiting for the Apple validation.
Next week normally they should give us their go :crossed_fingers:t2:

New IOS update online !

More infos : [IOS] App Update 1.0.2

Good day,
I installed the latest version of the app. I started the app and it came up with a warning that I should update the firmware in my sensors or else…
But there is no new firmware version yet ?

What are the version of the app, the updater and the firmware I should have ?

We pushed a new version of the firmware, you don’t need to update the Senstroke updater for that.
You can check the version of your firmware directly in the Senstroke Updater, the last one is the 0.1.6 with a really cool features (reload everywhere your last drumkit)


I downloaded the app. Version 1.0.2
I already had the updater. Version 0.1.1
I wanted to update my sensors before using the new drumming app.

I started the updater.
The first page says 'Version 1.0.6" (version of the latest firmware I guess) in the left top corner. There is a button “Check Sensors”.
I switch on my sensors and click the button.

The 2nd page says “Version 0.0.1” (version of the app itself) and text in red there is a list (in white) that shows all my sensors with: “Senstroke Unknown Up to date”
When I click one of the lines in the list it starts to update a sensor.
This seems to work, BUT…

I run the updater a second time from scratch. Same procedure as above for the same sensors.When I DOUBLE-click one of the lines it says: “Senstroke 1.0.1 Up to date”. That should now be 1.0.6 (the sensors was already updated) ?

I repeated again with only one sensor. Each time I start the updater from scratch. It does not work if I don’t do that (Ok, you said so in the message).
It always shows a line: “Senstroke Unknown Up to date”.
Always when I SINGLE-click the app starts to update and completes 100%
Always when I DOUBLE-click it says: “Senstroke 1.0.1 Up to date”

In the (new) drumming app the hi-hat pedal still cannot be configured…
No matter what I try, it always wants me to use left/right hand instead of up/down foot for open/close.

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Could you please remove the senstroke updater from your smartphone and install it from scratch please?
Do it works better?

I installed the updater from scratch. It works: All my sensors are now on firmware 1.0.6.

But the hihat configuration has not changed. It still wants left/right hand and not left foot up/down. When I use left hand, the text goes away as expected. Then I use the right hand and now it ends configuration with the message “could not configure”.

In PLAY the left foot produces the same sound as the sticks. I see the highlighted pedal moving. It moves going down and again moving up. Both times it gives a “sticks sound”.

Oh, by the way, the RIGHT foot is always active in PLAY mode (on bass drum). Even when I don’t configure it (and then it is not highlighted while on PLAY).


As a test I configured a kit using the app. Then I started Garageband (the app still running). All sticking works and Garageband gives good sounds. The kickdrum also works ok.

The hihat pedal seems to work as a “fast close action”, the sound is different from hitting with a stick and is more like what it should do. There is no different stick sound while holding foot up (open hihat) or foot down (closed hihat).

So I think the sensor works “as a stick” but produces another sound, not as an open/close indicator ?



We are actually working on this problem, we never saw it before, so it’s quite difficult to resolve, but we are on it :wink:
In Garageband, unfortunately, the opening of the hi-hat is not handled :confused:

I still have the problem where when I synchronise the sensors I still have the same problem with the hi hat that it requests that are use drumstick right left right left where the kick drum automatically recognises that sensor can you help

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@Michael The hi-hat problem is quite weird, we are not able to reproduce and resolve it at the moment. It is one of our main priorities and our developers are working on it :slight_smile:

You seem to have a lot of concentration for updating your firmware for android missing the fact to keep updating iOS. :thinking:

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