[Senstroke app diary] Work in Progress

:uk: Hello and welcome in our new topic “work in progress” !
In this topic, we will let you know what features our developers are currently working on to improve the Senstroke app.

Feel free to tell us what you expect in the app :slight_smile:

:fr: Bonjour et bienvenue dans notre nouveau topic “work in progress” !
Dans cette rubrique, nous vous informerons des fonctionnalités sur lesquelles nos développeurs travaillent actuellement afin d’améliorer l’application Senstroke.

N’hésitez pas à nous dire ce que vous voulez voir sur l’application :slight_smile:

:uk: 29.07.2019

  • Android & iOS: Complete redesign of the audio part in progress, in order to optimize latency as much as possible.
  • iOS: Optimization, fluidity improvement and resolution of Bluetooth related bugs. Backup of drum kit in development.
  • Android: Choice between several drum kits, with different sounds, directly in the application.

:fr: 29.07.2019

  • Android & iOS : Refonte complète de la partie audio en cours, afin d’optimiser au maximum la latence.
  • iOS : Optimisation, amélioration de la fluidité et résolution de bugs liés au Bluetooth. Sauvegarde de kit de batterie en cours de développement.
  • Android : Mise en place du choix entre plusieurs kits de batterie, avec des sons différents, directement dans l’application.

:uk: 06.08.2019

  • Android & iOS : development of a new feature : development of a new feature: the possibility to save the drum kits in order to use them later on.

:fr: 06.08.2019

  • Android & iOS : développement d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité : la possibilité de sauvegarder les kits de batterie crées afin de les ré-utiliser plus tard.
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:uk: 04.09.2019

  • Backup and drumkit change coming soon !
  • Redesign Latency test screen
  • Optimization and fluidity of the application

:fr: 04.09.2019

Android & iOS :

  • Sauvegarde et changement de kit à venir prochainement !
  • Refonte Ecran de test de la latence
  • Optimisation et fluidité de l’application

Hello! So this is for the sensors themselves.
Please create a way for the hi-hat pedal sensor to send continuous MIDI CC as the foot is raised and lowered.


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Definitely gonna think about it. We are also looking for rim shots and cross sticks !

Thanks! My ultimate idea is a combination of the way that you guys and Freedrum work.

I like that your products are more meant for playing on surfaces, but in the immediate the information that Freedrum has given for hackability (reprogramming the sensors via Sysex messages) is great!

If I can get the same hackability of the Senstroke sensors then that’ll be perfect

:uk: 10/03/2020

  • Windows, Android & iOS : bug fix for the 2.0 version of the Senstroke app

Feel free to tell us if you see some problems in the Senstroke app !
We will destroy them :face_with_monocle:

:fr: 10/03/2020

  • Windows, Android & iOS : recherche et correction de bug dans l’application Sentroke 2.0
    N’hésitez pas à nous faire part de problèmes rencontrés avec l’application, nous nous chargerons de les détruire :face_with_monocle:

Hi fellows!

Been a while since we last updated this thread. We got used to create an indivual topic for each update instead :slight_smile:

Do you like to know on what our team is working before its release ?

One more thing, we are working on a new feature, and we need your word on it :smiley:
Feel free to check it out : [New feature] Choose your favorite songs to play along directly in the Senstroke app