iPhone XS Max/ Hi-Hat

Your assumptions are correct.

The screen rotates in oth beginner and andvanced mode. When changing mode (click on “Validate”) it rotates and ends upside down. It always turns to “good when the iPad button is on the right side”. It does not turn when I turn the iPad.

I have only 4 sensors turned on. Never any other active bluetooth device in the neighbourhood.

I do not always “Calibrate” my sensors. Should I do that with every update ?

Thanks @Momantai.

There are a few things here, I’ll respond to them in turn.

First off, while the application is currently maintained and tested only on iPhone, we intend to extend it to support of iPad as soon as the most critical bugs that come up are fixed! I believe however that the behavior should be relatively similar. To tell the truth, I’ve added the automatic rotation because when I work on the app, the iPhone is plugged in with a cable and I found it more practical for me. It might be a good idea to let the user choose which orientation (left landscape/right landscape) suits them best, but it’s currently of lower priority to us than fixing the bugs. I’ll get my iPad from home and test the app on it anyway. What’s the iPad version you’re using? Mine is an iPad Air, first gen.

Small semi-technical explanation: the app did not initially rotate, but we had to add that because when the iPhone opens up the App Store dialog, it needs to be in Portrait, while all the application was designed in Landscape. We therefore retrofitted Portrait and forced autorotate for other screens. I’ll have a pass at the whole UI later today and check if I did not forget something egregious, as regards to rotation.

Calibration is now required in Simple Mode, and while not part of the mandatory process, is part of the tutorial in Advanced mode. It’s not necessary to calibrate when the application updates, but you need to do it when you update the Senstroke’ firmware. In any case, calibration should only improve the accuracy, and the first step (gyroscopic calibration) is very fast, so you can do it as often as you please.

My iPad is an iPad PRO 10.5" model A1709. It has WiFi + cellular.
It runs on the latest IOS version (12.1.4)
I use it mostly with the power connection (and pushbutton) on the left. In this situation the app is upside down.

OK I see your use case.

I’ll have to think about it, since the iPhone is the primary target, and the power button on X is on the bottom if the application runs in LandscapeLeft…

Hi Momantai!
I’ve added in the next release (1.04) a small change that might help you with your rotation issue.

In the Settings for the app, I’ve added an option for setting left or right, which will be what the application rotates to. By default, it’s the iPhone X preference.

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Ok, I’ll try it as soon as version 1.04 is available in the AppStore.

Are you also working on the hihat left/right issue ?

I haven’t yet succeeded in reproducing the issue. I did find a few related small bugs that I fixed while I was hunting for that issue.
I hope @Michael sees the thread and can weigh in…

This is my problem with the hi hat. Should the sensor not ask to be open or closed using my left foot Not the drum sticks. ???

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Could you confirm that you have the last version of the app?
If ever you change the role of the sensors (for example, in the connexion screen turn a left hand sensor to a hi hat pedal), does the problem still here?

UPDATE : we think that we found where the problem is. It should be fixed in the next release !

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Yes my app is up to date

Do you have any idea how long you will be doing a update

We hope launch in a week or two.
Thanks for your patience

No problem as we’ve all been waiting for months for this to be resolved another couple of weeks won’t hurt

I see that you’re looking at making other products don’t you think you could help everybody with an Apple product to get their devices working correctly with their purchases that they’ve got from you where we are still having difficulties using them as I can see a lot of your time is been concentrated with windows and android but you haven’t spent enough time sorting out the issues and concerns that apple uses and OS X users have

As the main problem is still a issue with the hi hat open and close sensor and I’ve had this issue since I purchased my senses from you on Kickstarter and the problem is still not been resolved this is very unprofessional from you and your team
And I believe this problem is not just with me is with other users of your product I have the latest software the latest updates and at the time of purchasing your device since then I haven’t even purchased the latest Apple phone believing that that is where the problem lied

Hello Michael,
We totally understand that you are annoyed with the Hi Hat bug. This bug was not easy to fix because we were not able to reproduce it. We finally found the problem and made the fix. We are happy to say that we just push to Apple our new version of the app. They have to validate it now. By experience, I think that the app will be live in 3 days max now (crossed fingers).

Concerning the other points, IOS users are as important as the Android one. Our priority is to give to all our clients the best experience as possible.
We gonna hired a new IOS DEV, so things will move faster than the past.
We have a lot of ideas and big improvements for the app !

Thanks for your patience and your understanding again


The app will be in the store today, Apple just validate it.
Stay tuned !


That’s a great start I will be looking forward to receiving this but it’s about time you concentrate all your resources on Apple and iOS solutions
Thanks :pray:

@Michael @Momantai @Babice could you try the new version of the app (and the firmwares) and tell me if you can now enjoy the hi hat pedal please ?