Senstroke delay

I have two sensors on drumsticks and set up for high hat and snare. There is a good half second delay between when the stick hits a surface and when the app plays the drum sound. It is not usable like this, is there a way to correct it? I remember this being an issue that was addressed during the design period.

Hello Neil,
Could you give us more information about your smartphone and OS please ?

Yes of course, sorry I was not thinking. It’s a Huawei P9 running Android 7.0.

Ok thanks.
Could you confirm that all the others app are close ?
Have you try to reboot the app ?

Tried that, it has not resolved the problem unfortunately.

Additionally, when I try to add sensors and calibrate them there’s a brief message saying there was an error in calibration. I have to click on the ignore buttons to progress.

Do you have another smartphone or tablet maybe ? We have checked on our api, unfortunately the audio latency with your smartphone is not really good : as you can see this is around 160ms :frowning:

I have same Issues on huawai p20 pro. And on my tablet huawai m3 the App crashes After some time



I have a look too for your smartphone and tablet. Unfortunately your devices have bad audio latency as you can see : .
Do you have the possibility to emulate the sound with a computer instead of your devices ?


Okay, that is bad
 I only use linux, so no.

Je n’ai pas encore les miens mais sur mon tĂ©lĂ©phone il est Ă  50ms est-ce grand ? Je n’arrive pas Ă  me rendre compte

Bonjour Theo,
Difficile Ă  dire, en fonction de votre niveau cela sera plus ou moins acceptable.

Merci JĂ©rĂŽme, I’m afraid I don’t know how to emulate the sound on a computer rather than the device? Is Senstroke a Windows 10 application too? I cannot find it in the app store.

Hi guys,
I’m waiting to buy my sensors because of the problem of delay

My phone should have a latency of 40 ms, has someone solved the problem? Or maybe tried the sensor and tell me how much the delay affect the realistic result of drumming whit the “redison”?
Maybe some video can help

Thanks a lot.

Where i can find an application for PCs? Only to test if there is a way to use it. With these delays it is not useable.

There is no Senstroke Windows 10 application today.
Concerning the Windows 10 application one guy of the forum find a way (in French) :

here is a way on Windows 10

so there is no solution to use them with my tablet or phone ? Of course without delay ?

Hi there,

I have a xiami rednote 5 plus, with a latency of 23 ms which should be very low.
But when I play, there is a big lag between the strike and the sound I hear (I would say around 300ms). By the way, 2 strikes at the same times (fla) increase the delay.
So It’s clearly not usable at all.

And maybe it’s a feeling, but it’s worst after the firmware update (dealy was already there before, but not so much).

any clue on what I can try to solve this ? (I have of course try unsuccessfully all obvious solutions, such as rebooting the devece, calibrating (again and again) the senstrokes, change the sensor position

tomorrow, I’ll try with a iPhone 6+ and let you know.


Hi Arnaud,

Where did you find this information please ?

The new firmware has no impact on the latency, only on precision.

That’s hard to say today, unfortunately with Android system the latency is not stable as IOS phone.

Which version of IOS is on you Iphone 6+ ? With the 10 and above you will have good results.

Keep us informed please
