iPhone XS Max/ Hi-Hat

As a test I configured a kit using the app. Then I started Garageband (the app still running). All sticking works and Garageband gives good sounds. The kickdrum also works ok.

The hihat pedal seems to work as a “fast close action”, the sound is different from hitting with a stick and is more like what it should do. There is no different stick sound while holding foot up (open hihat) or foot down (closed hihat).

So I think the sensor works “as a stick” but produces another sound, not as an open/close indicator ?



We are actually working on this problem, we never saw it before, so it’s quite difficult to resolve, but we are on it :wink:
In Garageband, unfortunately, the opening of the hi-hat is not handled :confused:

I still have the problem where when I synchronise the sensors I still have the same problem with the hi hat that it requests that are use drumstick right left right left where the kick drum automatically recognises that sensor can you help

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@Michael The hi-hat problem is quite weird, we are not able to reproduce and resolve it at the moment. It is one of our main priorities and our developers are working on it :slight_smile:

You seem to have a lot of concentration for updating your firmware for android missing the fact to keep updating iOS. :thinking:

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Hi @Michael,

We are working both on Android and iOS app. A new update for iOS just came out by the way : [IOS] App Update 1.0.3

Another iOS update will follow very soon :wink:

Thanks a lot for your update and continuing support

I have exactly the same problem with the HiHat, for 4 long weeks now. It is Impossible to play properly whit these captors on the left foot. (I have 4 different sensors that I’ve tried to configure

Je vais continuer en fançais, il est trĂšs frustrant de ne pouvoir se servir correctement du pied charleston, en mode ouvert ou fermĂ©, ou semi ouvert le son est exactement le mĂȘme qu’importe l’approche.(son de frappe sur Charley du dessus fermĂ©e). Mais le problĂšme vient certainement je pense de la configuration, comme Michael ou une autre personne dont je ne me souviens plus du nom, lors de la configuration du pied Charley, la logique voudrait qu’Il soit prĂ©ciser pied levĂ© ou posĂ© pour simuler les diverses ouvertures du charley, mais il est juste demandĂ© de taper avec main droite en premier et main gauche.
J’ai essayĂ© toutes sortes de combinaisons. Pied levĂ© en frappant, puis fermĂ© etc

J’ai essayĂ© aussi d’appairer Ă  zĂ©ro les capteurs, supprimer les 2 app puis les rĂ©installer etc
 et rien n’y fait.
Juste l’impression de perdre mon temps.
AprĂšs une expĂ©rience livraison des plus lentes, (logistique livraison pas au top, j’ai dĂ» relancer deux fois), je n’arrive toujours pas Ă  apprĂ©cier Senstroke qui semble pourtant fantastique sur papier.
TrĂšs frustrant comme expĂ©rience pour le moment. J’espĂšre sincĂšrement que des updates arriveront plus rapidement pour profiter du produit.

De plus je souhaite prĂ©ciser comme j’ai pu lire ici ou lĂ  par certain sur le forum, que l’app updater laisse Ă  dĂ©sirer
 comme un sentiment de produit non fini ou ultra bugĂ©. L’update fortement conseillĂ©e Ă  Ă©tĂ© un calvaire, en essayant d’updater le firmware des capteurs un Ă  un, la plupart du temps l’app freezait, le spin loader tournant Ă  l’infini sans aucun changement. MĂȘme parfois aprĂšs avoir relancĂ© plusieurs fois l’app. Avec bcp de patience j’en suis arrivĂ© Ă  bout.
J’attend patiemment une nouvelle update iOS en espĂ©rant qu’elle rĂšgle les
problĂšmes de la Charley.

Dernier point qui peut peut ĂȘtre aidĂ© des personnes face aux
Latences : ne pas jouer avec un casque non filaire, les capteurs communiquant avec l’application en Bluetooth, les casques wireless Bluetooth ne suivent pas
 perte de rapiditĂ© via l’appareil utilisĂ©. La latence se faisant sacrĂ©ment sentir. Mais ça semble plutĂŽt logique.
Par contre sans casque, via le speaker de l’iPhone pourtant pas des plus rĂ©cents, c’est trĂšs rĂ©actif pareil avec un casque ordinaire (fil). Si ça peut aider certains 


Bonjour Fabrice,

Je vous remercie pour votre message. Nous sommes tout Ă  fait conscient que le problĂšme du charleston est vraiment gĂȘnant car vous ne pouvez pas profiter pleinement de la gestion de la pĂ©dale.
Sachez que ce bug est vraiment sur notre liste des prioritĂ©s. Nous n’arrivons malheureusement pas Ă  le reproduire malgrĂ© nos nombreux tests c’est ce qui est problĂ©matique. C’est pour cela que nous n’avons pas encore apportĂ© de correctif. Nous travaillons actuellement sur une nouvelle fonctionnalitĂ© IOS (changement depuis l’interface des rĂŽles des capteurs) qui devrait par la mĂȘme occasion corriger ce bug.
Auriez-vous la possibilité de nous faire une capture vidéo de votre application lorsque le bug apparait svp ? Quel est votre modÚle de téléphone ?

En ce qui concerne l’application de l’Updater nous travaillons Ă©galement en ce moment Ă  sa refonte. Nous Ă©tions tellement enthousiastes avec les nouveaux firmwares que nous avons proposĂ© la mise Ă  jour malgrĂ© une application qui n’est pas trĂšs ergonomique je vous l’accorde.

Nous nous nourrissons de tous vos retours et c’est grĂące Ă  vous que nous nous amĂ©liorons.
J’espĂšre que malgrĂ© tout vous ĂȘtes satisfait de votre achat et sachez que nos Ă©quipes travaillent d’arrache pied pour vous proposer des mises Ă  jours qui amĂ©lioreront l’ergonomie, les bugs avec de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s.

A votre dispo


In english

Thank you for your message. We are very conscious that the hi-hat problem is really embarrassing because you can’t take full advantage of the pedal features.
Please make sure that this bug is really on our priority list. Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce it despite our many tests, which is what is problematic. That is why we have not yet made any fix. We are currently working on a new IOS feature (change sensor role into the app) and we hope that should also fix this bug.
Would you have the possibility to make a video capture of your application when the bug appears, please? What is your phone model?

Concerning the updater, we are also currently working on. We were so enthusiastic with the new firmwares that we proposed the update despite an ergonomic application, you true.

We get all your feedback and help us to improve the apps.
I hope that despite these problems you are happy with our company and know that our teams are working hard to offer you updates that will improve ergonomics, bugs and give you new features.

Best Regards

Bonjour Fabrice!

Ton expĂ©rience concernant les casques Bluetooth est, j’espĂšre, trĂšs utile pour d’autres utilisateurs. Je vais la traduire plus bas pour nos amis anglophones.

Si tes problĂšmes de son du charleston proviennent effectivement de la configuration, sache que nous travaillons Ă  rĂ©soudre ce problĂšme. Sinon, n’hĂ©site pas Ă  ouvrir un autre sujet, de sorte que nous puissions Ă©changer, identifier le problĂšme, et le rĂ©gler au plus vite pour toi et tout autre utilisateur affectĂ©.

Merci de ta patience et de tes retours.

Hello everyone,

@Babice raises an excellent point in his post, for people who suffer from latency issues.

Senstroke sensors are Bluetooth devices, which means they share the same antenna as Bluetooth audio reproduction systems, whether portable speakers, earbuds or headphones. As he says, using wireless (Bluetooth) audio can therefore cause higher latency. However, the iPhone speaker or a wired audio connection make latency much lower, which might help some people encountering this frustrating issue.

Thank you!

Hello @Michael and @Momantai,

I’m working on the issue you have, but I cannot seem to reproduce it. I’ve been told that @Michael had a video where he demonstrates the issue, and I’d very much like to see it.

Right now, I assume the following:

- the problem exists at least since version 1.02 of the iOS app
- using version 1.03, the problem happens when running in Advanced mode
- only four sensors are turned on in the room where you are playing

I hope to be able to fix this issue within the current sprint for release 1.04, and I’m waiting eagerly for any information that could help us get you a fix asap.

Your assumptions are correct.

The screen rotates in oth beginner and andvanced mode. When changing mode (click on “Validate”) it rotates and ends upside down. It always turns to “good when the iPad button is on the right side”. It does not turn when I turn the iPad.

I have only 4 sensors turned on. Never any other active bluetooth device in the neighbourhood.

I do not always “Calibrate” my sensors. Should I do that with every update ?

Thanks @Momantai.

There are a few things here, I’ll respond to them in turn.

First off, while the application is currently maintained and tested only on iPhone, we intend to extend it to support of iPad as soon as the most critical bugs that come up are fixed! I believe however that the behavior should be relatively similar. To tell the truth, I’ve added the automatic rotation because when I work on the app, the iPhone is plugged in with a cable and I found it more practical for me. It might be a good idea to let the user choose which orientation (left landscape/right landscape) suits them best, but it’s currently of lower priority to us than fixing the bugs. I’ll get my iPad from home and test the app on it anyway. What’s the iPad version you’re using? Mine is an iPad Air, first gen.

Small semi-technical explanation: the app did not initially rotate, but we had to add that because when the iPhone opens up the App Store dialog, it needs to be in Portrait, while all the application was designed in Landscape. We therefore retrofitted Portrait and forced autorotate for other screens. I’ll have a pass at the whole UI later today and check if I did not forget something egregious, as regards to rotation.

Calibration is now required in Simple Mode, and while not part of the mandatory process, is part of the tutorial in Advanced mode. It’s not necessary to calibrate when the application updates, but you need to do it when you update the Senstroke’ firmware. In any case, calibration should only improve the accuracy, and the first step (gyroscopic calibration) is very fast, so you can do it as often as you please.

My iPad is an iPad PRO 10.5" model A1709. It has WiFi + cellular.
It runs on the latest IOS version (12.1.4)
I use it mostly with the power connection (and pushbutton) on the left. In this situation the app is upside down.

OK I see your use case.

I’ll have to think about it, since the iPhone is the primary target, and the power button on X is on the bottom if the application runs in LandscapeLeft

Hi Momantai!
I’ve added in the next release (1.04) a small change that might help you with your rotation issue.

In the Settings for the app, I’ve added an option for setting left or right, which will be what the application rotates to. By default, it’s the iPhone X preference.

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Ok, I’ll try it as soon as version 1.04 is available in the AppStore.

Are you also working on the hihat left/right issue ?

I haven’t yet succeeded in reproducing the issue. I did find a few related small bugs that I fixed while I was hunting for that issue.
I hope @Michael sees the thread and can weigh in

This is my problem with the hi hat. Should the sensor not ask to be open or closed using my left foot Not the drum sticks. ???

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